When people want to spend time with you, they want your energy not your time.
Set meetings based on energy.
If you can only be energetic for 15 minutes, then set the meeting for 15 minutes.
Set ME-etings with yourself
Need time to check on with yourself.
If you don't have time to meditate 10 minutes a day, then meditate for 20 minutes a day.
Don't stop listening to your mind and your body - they're trying to tell you something.
They'll only give signals when you're silent and still
Ignore time bullies
This is people that pressure you to do things you don't want to be doing.
Learn to say no.
Know what you're saying yes to - then you'll be comfortable saying no.
To do that, mark your calendar with the things you want to focus on, learn and grow etc.
Gap reading and listening
Certain activities don't require conscious thought. These are gap habits
Like commuting, getting ready, waiting for transport.
Maybe listen to a podcast, think of things your grateful for etc.
Remove physical triggers of distraction
Don't have tvs in bedrooms.
No Playstation if you play a lot.
Plan your distraction
Pomodoro technique.
4 sets of pomodoro, then take a 15-30 mini break.
Build it in to your schedule
Know when to do what
We all have different times that we're good at certain things.
Like, creative tasks in morning. Functional tasks in the afternoon. Social tasks on the evening.
Book - When by Daniel Pink
What time do you usually go to sleep?
What time do you usually wake up?
What is the middle of those 2 times?
If middle is between 2-3am, you're a lark - best do analytical tasks, making an impression and making a decision in early morning. Insightful tasks late afternoon to early evening.
If 3-6,youre a third bird. Analytical tasks, decisions, impressions- early to mid morning. Insightful tasks late afternoon and early evening.
If 6-12 noon, youre an owl. Analytical tasks, decisions in late afternoon and evening. Insightful tasks and impressions in morning.
Block time
Look at your week and try and say which day (or set of hours) are going to be creative, functional etc.