
  • Book: the 5am club
  • The way you begin the day, sets up the way the day unfolds.
    • Great days build great weeks etc.
  • Why 5am specifically?
    • The pristine hours before the sunrise have a magic to them
    • An addiction to distraction is the destruction of creative production
    • Everyone has a primal genius in them.
  • 20-20-20 formula
    • Get up at 5
    • Any new skill can be installed with 66 days of practice. Commit for this long at least.
    • First 20 minutes - move. Releases positive neurotransmitters
    • Second 20 minutes - reflect. Ground in your values. Meditate. Visualize. Journal.
    • Final 20 minutes - growth. Be curious. Reading. Studying. Developing skills/yourself.
    • If one section of the 20 works for you, you can stretch that section.
  • We do our best work, are most true to our best selves, have your greatest impact when we're:
    • Tranquil
    • Peaceful
    • Serene
    • If you can anchor on who you truly want to be before you go out into a messy world, you are more likely to fundamentally behave differently.
  • Potential when unexpressed turns to pain.
  • Work on the 4 interior empires:
    • Mindset
    • Heart set - your emotional state. The baggage that's been building over the years.
    • Health set - your physical health. If you want to change the world, don't die.
    • Soul set - if your ego is running the day, you won't change the world. A bad day for the ego, is a good day for the soul.
  • Your approach to building and breaking habits?
    • We all have neuroplasticity so we all can do this.
    • It takes 66 days, according to research.
    • Change is hard at the beginning. Messy in the middle. And beautiful at the end.
    • First 22 days is destruction - remove your old neural patterns and emotional signatures of getting up later.
    • Stage 2 is installation (22 days) - in some ways, let go of who you were. Need some bravery.
    • Stage 3 is implementation (22 days) - you'll get to a place where it's easier to get up early than later.
  • There's a different game that the legends play - it's about enjoying the journey and making an impact on humanity.
    • "son, when you were born, you cried while the world was rejoicing. Live your life so that when you die the world cries while you rejoice."
  • Gave example of mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.
    • The 5am club and its rituals will make you productive.
    • But it's really a manifesto for our responsibility to manifest who we are on the inside.
    • If we run these rituals and do the work, and stay in the game when it's hard as well, we'll live gorgeous lives.
    • We all have it in us to be these heroes.
    • If you're inspired by anyone, don't get lost in where they are now, go to their beginnings so you can soak in their energy and journey more deeply.
  • Learn to plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit.
    • Give without expecting to get back.
  • How are you urging people to serve?
    • There's no better way to own your domain than standing for generosity.
    • If you want joy - it doesn't come from getting. It comes from giving
    • If you want real empires or happiness - go out and give as much value as you can and radiate possibility.
    • The intention to give opens you up to explore channeling - the feeling that things are happening THROUGH you, not BY you.
  • Most of us have blocked our intimacy with our true power.
  • Build intimacy with mortality
    • We'll all eventually die. So why make it about ego?
    • In the second pocket of 20-20-20 formula, write "in the last hour of my last day, what do I want said about me?"
    • Have the discipline to architect your life do each day is a mountain climb towards that mount everest.
  • Difference between an identity crafted by service and an identity crafted to please everyone
    • Pleasing comes from scarcity, fear, self loathing and insecurity and a lack of standing on your true power.
    • If you look at the great producers of the planet - they were ridiculed before they were revered.
    • You can change the world or you can be liked by people. You can't do both.
    • The doorway to success doesn't open outward. It opens inward.
    • If you do the work on your self (inner work), build your core. Then when you go out into the world, you're powerful.
  • You can only take the world as far as you've visited internally.
  • What have you done to go deeper?
    • Your self identity determines your impact and your income.
    • Difficulty is growth in wolf's clothing.
    • The ego runs from suffering, because it is the death of the ego.
    • Pain, failure, difficulty is purification and preparation for personal heroism.
    • Everything that hurts you can strengthen you.
    • If you have anything - a family, a business - if you want to grow it, recognize you have to grow first.
    • If you want to go 3 steps forward, you have to go 3 steps deep first.
  • If you're not living to your absolute best, it's because you are in your way.
    • It's not just mindset.
    • It's all the 4 interior empires.
  • Sweat more in training and you'll bleed less in war
    • Getting up early gives you the time and quiet to do this training.
  • We're taught to numb out our feelings,so we live in our heads.
    • That's why people only talk about mindset, cos they're living in their head.
    • But great art comes from your feelings, your soul.
    • This may be because people may have lived through their heart and were hurt by people that were living through their head.
    • So people decided to live through their head too, to protect themselves.
  • "keep breaking your heart over and over until it opens"
    • The real work of a hero is opening up your mind, installing the psychology of mastery, but purifying your heart as well.
    • Release the past pain and also embrace your gratitude and stand in love.
    • Then work on your healthset - because if you're too sick to execute, nothing gets done.
    • Then soulset - it's about building intimacy with your noble self. Finding that cause you'd take a bullet for.
  • Best advice you received
    • Never rest on laurels and keep learning everyday.
  • Worst advice ever received
    • Not being true to yourself
  • You can be mentored by people you never met
    • Like through reading books (that's a conversation with the author)
    • Standing in places these great people have been
  • World class is a process, not an event
    • Working on your self, being noble, creative, and a light in the world is a great way to spend your life.
    • When it's easy or hard, when you have self doubt - just continue.