Never try to recreate old moments. Focus on creating fresh new memories
Do what you did at the start of the relationship (mentally and emotionally) and there won't be a finish.
This means the excitement
The willingness to do things to further the relationship.
Relationships don't last because of the good times, but because the bad times were handled with care - they offered the opportunity to start fresh
Tip 1: listen to music together.
Even in the background.
Find Moments to play soothing music naturally.
It'll also show us the moods we're both best able to comminiate in. We tend to communicate when we're feeling pain (we express our anger and not explain it).
Tip 2: experiment together (do new things together)
Don't wanna play a sport that one has a natural advantage in.
You get to learn together.
Get to be more playful, since it doesn't have significance in the success of the relationship
Tip 3: Do something scary together
Something daring or challenging for you
Something a little outside your comfort zone.
Shows how caring your partner is.
Tip 4: serve together
Volunteer together
Teach something together.
Build bonds by helping others together. Experience perspective together, gratitude together, get a higher purpose together.
We bond over beliefs.
Reveals deeper values of your partner.
Tip 5: travel together.
It can be a small getaway. A days break.
Remove distractions - switch off devices etc.
Switch off without going somewhere else
Tip 6: working out together
Do a workout you both don't do all the time.
Helps learn how the other person deals with challenges, pain etc.
Tip 7: Make time to draw a vision of what you want your relationship to be
Both take equal responsibility for bringing excitement to the relationship.
Doing it together.
Work on what you want the relationship to look like and feel Ike.